How to Sharpen a Knife with the Smith Field Sharpening System

My work knife was damaged so I bought this Smith field sharpening system to repair and sharpen the blade while away from home. This is a demonstration and review of the smith field sharpening system. How to repair the damaged edge of a knife and then re profile the cutting edge and finally sharpen it using the Smith Field sharpening system. I started Knife making as a project to make a personal gift for each of my children. The first three knives that I made with hand files to do the shaping of the bevels. This is a long labor intensive process. I did make a wooden bevel filing jig which helped me keep the bevels at the desired angles. After make the first three knives I decided that for the rest of the knives I would get an inexpensive grinder to speed the process along. I found a Delta 1″ x 42″ sander on Craigslist for $100.00 and bought it. Using this grinding I was able to shave 18 hours off of the time it was taking me to make a knife. I used the small belt sander to...